Thursday, July 8, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

Yesterday Pani (again, the orphanage I work at) lost Naomi-- sad, because well miss the girl, but amazing because she found a family! Naomi was about 2 years old.

Today, Pani added two more girls to their collection of adorable children waiting for homes. They are sisters. Luckily, there is a law in Costa Rica that makes it impossible to separate siblings in the process of an adoption; though this is great for their mental stability, it also lessens the chances of being first choice for adoptions.
Gennesis (so now we have two Gennesises!): She is the older sister (probably about 5 years old); today she seemed very stable for it being her first day. All the other girls were very friendly with her and she fit right in.
Rebecca (and now we have two Rebecca’s also!): She is the younger sister. She is really sweet and she lets things bounce off of her, such as insults and injuries. She has trouble seeing as her eyes each point to the outside of her face. She was also taken in very quickly by the other girls.

Today, Kelly and I checked out another “children at risk project¨, Carpio. Apparently the children, who all live in a very bad neighborhood under harsh conditions, meet daily at the church, Carpio. However, today we went with them on a fieldtrip to a park in San Jose. There was a surplus of 20 kids.

Some of them were physically disabled in various ways. All of them were very friendly. The boys were all very active and ready to play anything you proposed and the girls were quick to take to us. They did both my and Kelly{s hair and said I looked like a Barbie-- I could get used to this place :P

I hope to go there every Wednesday.

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